The Plant By Samso Spa To Enable A Reduction Of Power Consumption By Up To 79%.
Amidst the recent trying times globally, Ferretti Group’s investments in the Ancona Super Yacht Yard continues, with a project focused on improving the energy efficiency and sustainability of the yard. The investment comes in the form of a trigeneration plant, which will enable a reduction by up to 79% of electrical and thermal energy consumption required for the constant temperature control of the production environment that spans a vast area of 25,000 square metres.
Leading the design and installation of the plant is Samso Spa, Energy Service Company (E.S.Co.), which is well known in Italy for its design, construction and financing of energy efficient inventions. The plant will comprise of a high-efficiency gas-fired co-generator with an electrical power of 500 kWe and a thermal power of 600 kWt and a 460 kWf absorber for the production of cold water, which uses the thermal energy recovered from the plant itself.
Upon being fully operational, this plant will efficiently reduce about 79% of electricity and 32% of thermal energy consumption resulting in an estimated annual primary energy savings of 20%.
On top of the trigeneration plant, at the same site area, Ferretti Group has also installed a solar photovoltaic system for the production of electricity and for the conversion of lighting systems with LED lamps in further enhancing efficiency and sustainability.